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Divorce Adjustments
We never know what to say to the person going through a divorce. Some will say "I’m very sorry to hear that", "How are you doing?" or "Congratulations!" Whether the divorce is welcomed or you feel like your heart has been ripped out, there is a significant adjustment phase. 

Sometimes people feel like "damaged goods" and may say to themselves "I’ll never trust men/women again." Negative thinking is common and keeps the person stuck. 

Psychotherapists generally agree that divorces are extremely stressful but can be survived with support and specific coping strategies. Often talking it out with a support person helps manage the stress and move the adjustment process forward. 

Families of Substance Abusers
Therapists who treat substance abuse disorders call addiction a family disease because everyone becomes sick. Some experience this physically with illnesses such as overeating, headaches or irritable bowel syndrome. Often family members experience psychological problems like panic attacks, depression, avoidance and even trauma reactions. 

Supportive therapy is extremely helpful for family members and friends of alcoholics and addicts. Learning coping skills really makes a difference in motivating the addict to get help. More importantly, family members and friends can learn to deal with their own feelings about their loved one’s addiction.